Silo is an American science-fiction dystopian show based on the Silo Trilogy by Hugh Howey. The show has two seasons,…
Passenger is a British dark comedy-thriller set in the fictional town of Chadder Vale. It follows former Met officer Riya…
Disclaimer is a psychological thriller series available on Apple TV+, created and directed by Alfonso Cuarón, based on the 2015…
Sweetpea is a dark comedy series, adapted from the acclaimed novel by C.J. Skuse. The show follows the twisted life…
What We Do in the Shadows is a comedy-horror series that follows four vampire roommates living in Staten Island, blending…
Shark Tank is a popular reality TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of investors, "sharks," in…
Grotesquerie is an American horror drama series set in a small town plagued by a series of brutal crimes. Detective…
Joan is a British crime thriller series about Joan Hannington, a real-life 1980s London jewel thief. Known as a criminal…
Married at First Sight is a reality show franchise, adapted in over 20 countries, including the US, UK, Australia, Italy,…
Celebrity Wheel of Fortune is a spin-off of America’s most popular game show, Wheel of Fortune. The show's reboot is…
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