Get Millie Black is an upcoming British crime drama series created by Booker Prize-winning author Marlon James. The series is…
Sweetpea is a dark comedy series, adapted from the acclaimed novel by C.J. Skuse. The show follows the twisted life…
Hallmark’s festive reality series 'Finding Mr. Christmas' debuted with season 1 on October 31, 2024. Hosted by Jonathan Bennett, 10…
The Penguin is an American crime drama series, stemming from the 2022 film The Batman. The series will explore Oswald…
Vera is among the most popular British crime TV shows, with 14 seasons and 8.2 IMDb ratings. The show follows…
Grotesquerie is an American horror drama series set in a small town plagued by a series of brutal crimes. Detective…
"Troppo" is a murder mystery set in the tropical wilds of Far North Queensland. The eight-part series revolves around Ted…
Emily in Paris is a romantic comedy, the show follows the adventures of Emily Cooper, an ambitious marketing executive from…
The crime drama series 'Inspector Ellis' premiered on October 31, 2024, with 3 feature-length episodes. Starring Sharon D. Clarke as…
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is an American TV show that takes place in Middle-earth long…
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